The President Reacts to the Umqua College Shootings Much Differently to the Shootings of 3 Muslims at the University of North Carolina

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

The President made an impassioned plea for stricter gun laws in the aftermath of Thursday’s mass shooting at an Oregon community college. So why didn’t he do the same thing after an even worse gun-related tragedy six years ago? Here’s the story from OR   Here’s the President’s reaction And here’s a CBS story about the UNC shootings

House to Pursue Reconciliation to Defund Planned Parenthood – How Does the Process Work?

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

While Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards was testifying before Congress yesterday, the House passed a measure making it easier for states to defund the notorious abortion mill.  I’ll also walk through the Reconciliation process that the House will soon introduce to effectively defund PP. Ironically . . . it is the exact same procedure that House Democrats (led by Nancy …

Dr. Robert Lopez- Jephthah’s Daughters

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

Robert Oscar Lopez was raised by his mother and her lesbian “partner” – so how did he become one of the most hated men in America by the LGBT community? During his college years, Dr. Lopez “experimented” with heterosexuality . . . and is now a happily married father. He recently authored a book about his fascinating life.  He is …

Why is Planned Parenthood Failing to Report the Rapes of Several Teenage Clients?

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

Why does Planned Parenthood expect to continue to receive over $500 million in federal funding each year when the organization refuses to report the rape and other sexual assault of teens who come to them for abortions?  I’ll continue my recap of yesterday’s Congressional hearings.  I also have tentatively scheduled Kiersten Lynch to come on the program with an update …