Dr. Jim Leininger- Alone Yet Not Alone

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

 The movie “Alone Yet Not Alone” tells the story of Barbara and Regina Leininger, 2 sisters in Colonial America whose faith in Christ sustained them as they endured the trial of being kidnapped by Indians. Dr. Jim Leininger is the doctor/philanthropist who helped bring the story of his distant cousins’ rescue to the big screen last year. Jim Leininger Bio  Alone …

Mia Love’s Emotional Appeal for the House to Defund Planned Parenthood

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

The House of Representatives has proposed a measure which would suspend federal funding of Planned Parenthood until the completion of a full congressional investigation as to whether or not the leading provider of abortions in America is violating any laws by using the money to harvest baby body parts. Utah Congresswoman Mia Love joined Fox Business Channel anchor Lou Dobbs for …

20% of New York State Students Opt Out of Common Core Testing

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

20% of third through eighth grade students in New York “opted out” of state standardized tests last year – and that number is expected to increase dramatically in the year just starting now Nearly 200,000 students chose to opt out of Common Core tests . . . a tactic which CC critics claim will hinder school districts’ abilities to successfully …