2 MORE states defunded Planned Parenthood over the weekend! “Good on Ya’s” to Arkansas and Utah! I’ll walk through the Utah situation as an example of why “the sky will not fall” if states defund Planned Parenthood (the state funding there represents about 15% of the total amount they receive from the federal government which is not in danger . …
Ben Carson Reflecting a Biblical Worldview on the Campaign Trail
The mainstream media are attacking Ben Carson for holding to biblical principles on the campaign trail One group cited an anonymous report of Dr. Carson allegedly participating in fetal tissue “harvesting.” (I’ll read Ben’s response to this claim) Another was critical of his campaign stop in Harlem . . . even though no other Republicans ever bother to campaign there. …
Nearly 300 Businesses Pull Funding from Planned Parenthood – But NPR Says that Doing So Could Lead to an HIV “Epidemic”
Why did NPR issue a “dire warning” that the defunding of Planned Parenthood would lead to a “widespread HIV/AIDS epidemic?” (Here’s a hint – because they’re delusional) Here is the list of businesses… And here is the jaw-dropping claim from NPR
Court Rules AGAINST Stem Express in Efforts to Suppress Further Videos from Center for Medical Progress
A major victory for the Center for Medical Progress as a California judge denies a request from StemExpress to prevent CMP from releasing any further videos. – Ironically Judge Joanne O’Donnell is the same judge who issued the temporary restraining order a couple of weeks ago banning CMP from releasing more video per an investigation. Well now they have investigated …
The White House Notifies Alabama and Louisiana of Potential Penalties for Ending Funding of Planned Parenthood
The White House has threatened to punish Alabama and Louisiana if they don’t restart state funding of Planned Parenthood. But neither Governor Bentley (of Alabama) or Governor Jindal (of Louisiana) is budging on this one. So who will “blink” first? Survey says . . . the White House SHOULD – but will they? Click here to read more