In honor of Constitution Day, California lawmakers effectively removed your right to choose to vote. I’ll walk through the new “motor voter” law which automatically registers an unregistered but eligible voter to vote once they obtain or renew their driver’s license. It will now be up to voters to decide if they’d like to “unregister.” Read more here
Brian Bird- “Captive”
Screenwritter and executive producer Brian Bird to discuss his new movie Captive.
Charles Camosy “Why Adding Paid Family Leave to the Pain Capable Unborn Infant Protection Act Makes Sense”
The Senate could be voting on the Pain Capable Unborn Infant Protection Act as soon as this week – and a Pro-Life Catholic professor at an Ivy League school believes he has developed a way to insure it’s passage with both Republican as well as Democrat support. Here’s the link to the LA Times Op-Ed Purchase His Book Here!
John Eastman- “In Celebration of the U.S. Constitution”
Thursday 17 September is Constitution Day . . . but how many Americans – especially Christians – really understand what the Constitution does or what it was intended to do?
Kiersten Lynch- “40 Days for Life Kick-Off is Next Tuesday Night”
The next 40 Days for Life campaign kicks off 23 September . . . and Orange County area director Kiersten Lynch will join me in studio to talk about ways Bottom Line listeners can start getting involved now!