Why Should America and the Church support the Kurds? Dr. Mansfield discusses why we need to help them against ISIS Click Here For Roger’s Interview with Dr. Mansfield
Max Lange on The Bottom Line
60 years ago, Max Lange took a flight from Germany to West Africa on a journey that changed his and help to transform the lives of many others. Max Lange is on The Bottom Line to talk to Roger about the Child Worldcare Foundation and how you can help with donation packages.
40 Days of Life Shows Progress
The last day of the 40 days of Life campaign is tomorrow and the pro-lifers have accomplished a lot. At least 409 babies will be saved by tomorrow from the campaign putting an effort to end abortion. Wynette Sills is on the Bottom Line to give us her update of 40 Days of Life. Wynette Sills is from Californians …
Kirk Cameron “Saving Christmas”
Christians don’t need to complain about the commercialization of holidays like Halloween and Christmas…
Jeremy Dys of Liberty Institute
Pastor Chuck Swindoll from Insight for Living Ministries has filed a suit requesting an exemption from that part of the ACA mandate. Senior Council Jeremy Dys from The Liberty Institute on The Bottom Line today to discuss this issue because they are representing Insight for Living Ministries in this case. Click Here For the Interview