Tamara and Javier: “Showing Faith in Action through Loving Our Cities”

Tamara QuimiroArticles

Meet one couple who are part of the faith-based movement to help “Love Our Cities” through the ministry outreach of OC United. The next event is Saturday 30 April . . . and I’ll be joined in studio by The Bottom Line’s own Tamara Hammett and her boyfriend Javier. They are “veterans” of serving at this event! www.ocunited.org

Tom Thompson- ‘Kick Start’

Tamara QuimiroArticles

NCAA- record holder Dr. Tom Thompson inspires others to use their faith in God to overcome obstacles . . . and he is living proof. Tom is a college dropout who wound up earning several advanced degrees in health – and then “dropping back in” to Austin (TX) College where he won a spot on the football team as a …

The First “Baby Box” in the US is in Indiana

Tamara QuimiroArticles

Life is imitating art in Woodburn, Indiana as a group called Safe Haven Baby Boxes opens their first “Baby Box Drop Off Center” at the Woodburn Fire Station. Safe Haven is patterned after the ministry of South Korean Pastor Lee Jong-rak who developed the concept that was chronicled in the movie “The Drop Box” Read more here