“How ‘Identity Politics’ is Harming the Nation’s College Students”

Tamara QuimiroArticles

Can a 5’9 white man “identify” as a 6’5 Chinese woman? College students were recently asked that question as part of a lesson on “Identity Politics” Joseph Backholm, Director of the Family Policy Institute of Washington recently visited the University of Washington campus and posed a series of “identity” questions to students there. The results were eye-opening to say the …

Rick Whitted: “Finding Your True Value in Life”

Tamara QuimiroArticles

With Tax Day looming, author Rick Whitted encourages Christians to look beyond your adjusted gross income to determine your true worth. Rick is the author of the book “Outgrow Your Work Space” which deals with the phenomenon that several million people leave their jobs each year for all the wrong reasons . . . rather than pursuing their true God-given …

Donold Fortson: “Unchanging Witness”

Tamara QuimiroArticles

The plethora of new “transgender bathroom bills” nationwide has left many Christians wondering if we’re on “the wrong side of history” with regards to this issue. Now a new book helps us to see the truth of the matter. Dr. Donald Fortson is the co-author of “Unchanging Witness: The Consistent Christian Teaching on Homosexuality in Scripture and Tradition” Purchase his …

How Much do Californians Really Pay in Taxes?

Tamara QuimiroArticles

How many “wealthy” California taxpayers are actually paying their “fair share?” I’ll look at analysis courtesy of the Sacramento Bee BTW even though today is 15 April, taxes aren’t due until this Monday the 18th due to the fact that the District of Columbia celebrates Emancipation Day today . . . so everyone gets the weekend to figure out their …