Historian Bill Federer discusses how recent world events impacting the US are evidence that the days of the “moderate Muslim” may be coming to an end. Purchase his book here
San Francisco Middle Schools are Handing Out Condoms
San Francisco Unified School District will now make condoms available to ALL middle students with NO parental notification necessary. Read more here
Marco Rubio Shares Pointed Opinions About the Campaign, Vows to Stay in the Race
Marco Rubio is NOT dropping out of the GOP race – in fact, his latest speech shows that he may be exactly the calm voice of reason America needs in the White House! Click here to read more
Mark Martinez- Crop Ministries
Christian parents are leading the effort to utilize “intentional parenting” as we help our kids move from childhood to adulthood. Mark Martinez is Founder of CROP Ministries (Christian Rites of Passage). He joins me in-studio to discuss the push to use these rites of passage as a means for helping our children reach spiritual maturity. www.cropministries.org
Scientists are Using Adult Stem Cells to Cure Cataracts
GREAT news out of UC San Diego as researchers there have successfully used ADULT stem cells to reverse cataract damage without needing artificial lenses. (What’s REALLY cool about this discovery is that they have successfully performed the surgeries on 12 infants so far. This is a far more dangerous procedure on a child that young . . . so finding …