Planned Parenthood is “Shocked” that Defunding Led to More Births in Texas

Tamara QuimiroArticles

Did Texas’ decision to defund Planned Parenthood 4 years ago really lead to a “spike” in the number of poor women being “forced” to give birth? I’ll break down the numbers (because the numbers don’t lie!) Here’s the data about the “huge” increase But why should it? They aren’t allowed to use the federal funding for abortions – so why …

GOP Debate Highlights

Tamara QuimiroArticles

Rubio truly redeemed himself with his answer to Mary Katherine Ham’s question about abortion. I’ll also react to the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and their bizarre social media reaction to the Doritos “ultrasound” commercial during the Super Bowl  (On Twitter, NARAL accused Doritos and “anti-choicers” of “trying to use an ultrasound to ‘humanize a fetus.’” Methinks the Sanctity …