Kentucky’s new governor just signed into law the most significant piece of Pro-Life legislation that state has seen in over a decade! Read more here
San Diego Church Hosts Talk on Combating Islamophobia
A local San Diego church hosted a talk on combating Islamophobia the night before the President addressed the same issue in Baltimore. Read more here
California and Oregon are Moving Ahead with Plans to Demolish Dams with No Replacements
The governments of California and Oregon along with other federal officials are pressing ahead with a plan to demolish 4 hyrdroelectric dams on the Klamath River – and not replace them or make accommodations for any disruptions they cause in nature. They’re doing so because of a provision in California’s Proposition 1 which passed in the November 2014 election. “Elections …
Ben Carson Responds to the Same Atheist Who Questioned Marco Rubio About His Faith
The Iowa man who asked Marco Rubio about how plan to protect atheists from religious liberty issues asked similar questions of Dr. Ben Carson yesterday.
New Center for Medical Progress Video Confirms that Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Should be Indicted
The Center for Medical Progress just released ANOTHER video that proves Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast falsified records to hide the fact that they were actively buying and selling baby body parts. After watching the video, there is absolutely NO WAY the Harris County Grand Jury would NOT indict the leadership at PP Gulf Coast.