GOP Debate Highlights

Tamara QuimiroArticles

Did the absence of “the Donald” hurt Fox News Channel’s GOP debate last night? Ben Carson answers YouTuber question about immigration Carly and Fiorina  

“Should Pastors ‘SHUT UP’ and Stop Endorsing Political Candidates? One Leading Southern Pastor Thinks So”

Tamara QuimiroArticles

2 leading American pastors are challenging other clergy to STOP spending so much time worrying about which candidates to endorse and START focusing on preaching the Gospel again. But don’t recent surveys indicate that a majority of American Christians actually WANT their pastors to talk more about political issues from the pulpit? Read more here

Atheists Plan to Picket Tonight’s GOP Debate

Tamara QuimiroArticles

Atheists are planning on protesting at tonight’s GOP debates in Iowa . . . and I believe they are dead wrong for doing so. The Central Iowa Coalition for Reason and the Eastern Iowa Coalition for Reason have launched a campaign called “Keep Your Theocracy Out of Our Democracy.” They believe that the best way for the atheist viewpoint to …

30th Anniversary of the Challenger Disaster

Tamara QuimiroArticles

How America has changed in the 30 years since the Challenger disaster.  A look at today’s 30th Anniversary commemoration. Also a look back at President Reagan’s address to the nation in the aftermath of the explosion.   Read more here