Should Sorority Stop Selling Candy for Cancer Patient to Join Microagression Protest?

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

Should a University of Kansas sorority be forced to stop doing charitable work for an off-campus project so they can turn their attention to more “pressing” issues like fighting microagressions ON-campus? KU’s Delta Delta Delta sorority is being pressured by the BlackLivesMatter crowd to stop selling candy canes to raise money (and awareness) for the plight of a young cancer …

Paul Ryan Passes a Spending Bill that will FUND Planned Parenthood

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

The new government spending bill has been approved but did House Republicans sell out the Pro-Life community in the process? Part of the new spending package includes full funding for sanctuary cities, increased Syrian refugee activity . . . and Planned Parenthood. Here’s a list of everything it funds that Conservatives have been rallying AGAINST And here’s a fairly balanced …