Surge in Foreign Student Enrollments in San Diego Universities

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

A huge surge in enrollment of foreign-born students at San Diego universities is leading to more intensified discussions about immigration reform.  How do these students impact American-born students in terms of taking opportunity away?  What kind of incentives do these students have to stay and become citizens? Click here to read more

Reaction to the Umpqua Community College Shootings: Christians were Targeted

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

The Umpqua Community College killer allegedly asked his victims if they were Christians before shooting them. But why did the President fail to mention this vital detail in his call for justice? Here’s the story from OR Here’s the President’s reaction Compare his anger to the relative nonchalance of his reaction to the Fort Hood shootings 5 November 2009

The President Reacts to the Umqua College Shootings Much Differently to the Shootings of 3 Muslims at the University of North Carolina

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

The President made an impassioned plea for stricter gun laws in the aftermath of Thursday’s mass shooting at an Oregon community college. So why didn’t he do the same thing after an even worse gun-related tragedy six years ago? Here’s the story from OR   Here’s the President’s reaction And here’s a CBS story about the UNC shootings