Pastor Chuck Swindoll from Insight for Living Ministries has filed a suit requesting an exemption from that part of the ACA mandate. Senior Council Jeremy Dys from The Liberty Institute on The Bottom Line today to discuss this issue because they are representing Insight for Living Ministries in this case. Click Here For the Interview
Mayor Annise Parker at Houston Rally
Dozens of pastors are heading to Houston for a press conference Tuesday 10/28 where they will request a meeting with Mayor Annise Parker regarding her HERO (Houston Equal Rights Ordinance) lawsuit. It’s interesting that Christians are up in arms about this now, but during the 2010 elections, only 13% of Christians in Houston even bothered to vote. And here is …
Ten Commandments Monument Ran Over
This past Friday an atheist crashed into a 6-foot Ten Commandments monument in front of the Oklahoma State Capitol. The male atheist claims Satan told him to do it.
Michael Franzese “God the Father”
Michael Franzese was one of the most powerful men in the mob . . .
Many Americans Are Hesitant to Use “Affordable Health Care”
There were many expectations that the Affordable Care Act was going to “fundamentally transform” the healthcare industry. The fact is that there are fewer people who are actually using it. The reason is that not everyone one could afford the insurance deductibles.