Dan Wooding on The Bottom Line today talks about a Pakistani women scheduled to be hung because she stood up for Jesus. Asia Bibi, a 50 year old mother of 5, has had her death sentence upheld for the crime of “Blaspheming the Prophet of Islam.” Bibi was originally sentenced in 2010 but was spared while the case was being …
First Online Abortion Training Class
Thousands have signed up for and have already begun taking UC San Francisco’s controversial online abortion training. Medical Students for Choice made a promotional video to advertise this online class and it just doesn’t seem right.
New Texas Voter ID Laws
The Supreme Court of the United States makes a rare early-Saturday decision regarding Texas’ new “stricter” Voter ID laws. This is good news, but not sure why they released the decision at 5am on a Saturday?!
Fundamentally Transforming America: Lydia Gutierrez
How will Lydia Gutierrez “fundamentally transform” California’s school system if she is elected Superintendent of Public Instruction?
A Vote on Medical Marijuana In Costa Mesa
Will Costa Mesa join the long list of cities voting to authorize medical marijuana dispensaries? Click to learn more!