In an interview with Oprah, child T.V. star Raven says she is tired of being labeled either as gay or as African-American. She detaches herself from being African-American and declares she is American! Oprah expected many people would get upset when they heard that comment, but Raven is on to something. Is America ready to put racism behind us?
“Successful” Non-Profit Insurance Company Goes Out of Business.
Freelance Insurance Company was held up by the Administration as the “gold standard” for the new wave of Affordable Care Act. Now the insurance company is going out of business because they can’t afford to do business anymore now that Obamacare is here.
Kay Warren talks about World Mental Health Day
Rick and Kay Warren, senior pastors of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, are hosting an online event on mental illness, for World Mental Health Day this Friday. Click Here for Interview
Stephen Jimenez “The Book of Matt”
Gay author of The Book of Matt, Stephen Jimenez on The Bottom Line today talks about his new book and why he wrote it about gay college student Matthew Shepard and his brutal death which happened 16 years ago. This “gay hate crime” has literally changed our nation’s attitude toward gay rights. Click Here for Interview