Rice Broocks- “Answering History’s Greatest Question and the Challenges to the Accuracy of the Bible”

Tamara QuimiroArticles

It’s a fact that university administrators and faculties are opposed to the Bible – but now public school librarians are objecting to it as well!

The American Library Association just released it’s “10 Most Challenged School Library Books” list for 2016. (These are the books that students and parents complain the most about to school librarians.) For the first time in history, the Bible is now in the Top 10 (it’s #6, a couple of places behind “50 Shades of Grey.”)

 For the record . . . the ALA doesn’t receive all that many complaints. And the Koran also draws ire from students – just not as often as the Bible. But this is an interesting trend nonentheless.

Purchsae his book here

The book that started it all

And here’s the article that got our attention