CALL-IN: Do You Agree with the Way American Airlines Handled Travel Arrangements for a Kentucky Church Group Who Claims the Airline’s Mistakes Cost Them 2 Days of a Mission Trip to Mexico?

Tamara QuimiroArticles

Read the article below:

CALL-IN: Do You Agree with the Texas Church that Participated in a Gay Pride Event and Gave Out Free Hugs?

Tamara QuimiroArticles

You can read the story about what the church did below: You can read a story about the woman who inspired them to take action below:

CALL-IN: 50 Million Tons of Food Will be Thrown Away this Year in Europe . . . Because it is ‘Misshapen.'” Should Laws be Passed Requiring Supermarkets to Sell Fruits and Vegetables Even if They ‘Don’t Look Right?'”

Tamara QuimiroArticles

Read the article below: