Read the article below: Pastor cuts his shoulder-length hair and makes national news: Persuasive reasons to believe and share biblical truth
JIM DENISON: “A Physical Education Teacher in Virginia has Been Re-instated to His Job after Being SUSPENDED for REFUSING to ‘Use the Right Pronouns’ for Transgender Students. Here’s Why His Courage is a Model for Every Christian”
Read the article below: Judge orders reinstatement of suspended teacher who opposes transgender pronouns: The power of ideas and a strategy for changing the culture
JIM DENISON: “New Disney Collection will ‘Honor’ LGBTQ Pride Month. How Should Christians Respond?”
Check out the article below: “Rainbow Disney Collection” will honor LGBTQ Pride Month: How and why to be the “visible presence” of God in the world
JIM DENISON: “What Does the Bible Say About Money, Death and Taxes?”
Take a look at the article below: What does the Bible say about money? Death and taxes: A sure thing?
JIM DENISON: St. Patrick’s Day and what the bible says about luck — is it sin? evil? harmless? . . . and what does St. Patrick have to do with it?
Take a look at Jim’s article below: Who was St. Patrick? What does the Bible say about luck and divine providence?