This high school football player from New York state was penalized for “unsportsmanlike conduct” after raising his index finger and pointing to the sky to acknowledge the Lord after he scored a touchdown. Click here to watch the video Click here to read more
Texas Defunds Planned Parenthood Completely!
The State of Texas has completely defunded Planned Parenthood of state funding. So how exactly did they do it? Read more here
San Francisco Middle School Principal Attempts to Thwart Election Results Because the Winners were “Too White”
The principal of a San Francisco middle school refused to tell the candidates who was elected to student government because she felt the winners were “too white” The non-whites make up 80% of the school’s enrollment, the candidates (and, subsequently, winners) were predominantly white . . . so the principal took it upon herself to alter the school’s student government …
Van Hipp- ‘The New Terrorism’
What’s the most effective strategy for identifying and then defeating terrorism in the 21st Century? Author Van Hipp talks more about his new book Purchase his book here
Lisa Anderson- The Dating Manifesto
Is there really a “drama-free” way to pursue marriage in the 21st Century? Lisa Anderson discusses more on this topic. Purchase her book here