Author, music minister, and first-generation American Junko Nishiguchi Cheng reflects on her faith in Christ and multi-cultural ministry in the years post 9/11.
Why Did the President Send Planned Parenthood an ADDITIONAL #1 Million AFTER the Video Scandal Broke?
Even in spite of the on-going investigation into Planned Parenthood funding, the White House just sent ANOTHER $1 million to the embattled organization – and you’ll never guess why! (It’s to help them promote Obamacare) Find out more here
Dr. Chad Robichaux- Remembering 9/11, Coping with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
New hope for victims of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Chad Robichaux was reservist in the United States Marine Corp when the 9/11 attacks hit. He wound up serving 8 tours of duty in Afghanistan and returned with a major case of PTSD. Prayer and counseling helped him heal and how he operates the Mighty Oaks Program to help veterans recover from PTSD. …
Should a Church Post a “Defund Planned Parenthood” Sign in Front of their Sanctuary?
A pastor in Nelsonville, New York is under fire for making a “political statement” with the sign in front of his church. On the board where they list service times, Pastor Tim Greco placed the lettering to spell out, “DefundPP: A Person’s a Person No Matter How Small.” Click here to read more
Burt Folsom- “Putting Death on Hold”
Meet the college professor who led a death row inmate with an IQ of 84 to faith – but that’s just the start of the story! Dr. Burton Folsom and his wife, Anita, were moved with compassion when they read about Mitch Rutledge who was on death row in Alabama for a capital crime. Burt wrote him a letter encouraging …