Does Hilary Clinton actually believe that Republican Presidential hopefuls who support the defunding of Planned Parenthood are just like terrorists? Find out more here
Will the US Answer the Call to Provide More Money to Help Christians Being Attacked by ISIS?
A growing number of activists are calling for the U.S. to increase funding to fight ISIS attacks against Christians. Click here to read more!
Hilton Hotels Removes Porn from Rooms Worldwide
Hilton Hotels Worldwide has announced that they will no longer be making pornography on-demand available for purchase in their hotel rooms! This is excellent news (but it may be more market-driven than a call to decency). Click here to read more
Michael Haykin- The Baptist Story
Recent research suggests that fewer American Christians align themselves with “mainline denominations” but one Baptist scholar is of the opinion that a key reason for this phenomenon is that Baptists simply don’t know enough about their history. Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin is a Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He’s …
A CC Success Story? KY Schools Chief Says Using the Church Has Been the Key
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