Dr. Jim Leininger- Alone Yet Not Alone

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

 The movie “Alone Yet Not Alone” tells the story of Barbara and Regina Leininger, 2 sisters in Colonial America whose faith in Christ sustained them as they endured the trial of being kidnapped by Indians. Dr. Jim Leininger is the doctor/philanthropist who helped bring the story of his distant cousins’ rescue to the big screen last year. Jim Leininger Bio  Alone …

Planned Parenthood Spends Your Tax Dollars trying to Defeat Pro-Life Candidates

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

Now Planned Parenthood is using your tax dollars to fund attack ads against Pro-Life senators who voted to defund the controversial organization. Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey is their first target. The ad was produced and paid for by Planned Parenthood Action which is part of the political arm of PP. Read the story Planned Parenthood ad against Pat Toomey

Stephen Myer- Debating Darwins Doubt

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

Dr. Stephen Meyer’s book, “Darwin’s Doubt” challenged the notion that science supported Darwinian evolution. So the critics assaulted it with all of their might – even those who never bothered to read it. Over the past 2 years, Dr. Meyer and his colleagues have read through virtually every critique, organized them into 34 categories and then responded to each topic …