The latest on the San Bernardino shootings: Tafsheen Malik’s allegiance to ISIS; how she obtained a visa after being vetted by the Dept of Homeland Security. Shooter passed Homeland Security “vetting” His wife pledged allegiance to ISIS And a list of the casualties
“Do You Feel Like a Stranger in Your Own Country Right Now?”
A new poll from Reuters indicates that more than half of all Americans “feel like a stranger” in their own country. How about YOU? Read more here
Elizabeth Dias- ‘What Did Jesus Ask?’
In the face of more and more tragedy in the world around us, TIME Magazine’s “What Did Jesus (REALLY) Ask of Us?” Purchase her book here
Update on San Bernardino Shooting
The latest on the San Bernardino shootings. Read more here
“Are College Students Getting the Education they Need?”
Do you believe Dr. Piper is on the right path by challenging college students to grow up? Or is he out of touch with the new realities of everyday life for Millennials? Read more here