The House of Representatives is taking a new approach in their efforts to defund Planned Parenthood – and this plan looks like it will work! I’ll walk through the “reconciliation” process. Click here to read more
Ben Carson is Right about Why a Muslim Should Not be President of the United States
Ben Carson IS right. A truly faithful and fundamentally sound Muslim can NOT be President of the United States. Here’s the Jake Tapper/CNN interview Read the article here
Jeff Gilbert- Save The Storks
Jeff Gilbert from Save the Storks in studio to talki about Save the Storks.
NBC Challenges Carly Fiorina’s Record as a CEO
NBC goes on the offensive against Carly Fiorina regarding abortion and her business record, but Carly easily stands her ground. Here’s the video exchange And here’s a piece from the Christian Science Monitor about Carly
Photographer and Author Lorraine Marie Varela
Modern technology often robs us the opportunity to experience quite moments alone with God in nature. But imagine how much more effective our Christian witness would be if we spent less time with our “gadgets” and more time reflecting on God’s goodness and love for us? Local photographer Lorraine Marie Varela challenges us to do so in a brand new …