Burt Folsom- “Putting Death on Hold”

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

Meet the college professor who led a death row inmate with an IQ of 84 to faith – but that’s just the start of the story! Dr. Burton Folsom and his wife, Anita, were moved with compassion when they read about Mitch Rutledge who was on death row in Alabama for a capital crime. Burt wrote him a letter encouraging …

California Lawmakers Commemorate “Suicide Prevention Week” by Passing a Bill Legalizing Assisted Suicide

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

Assisted Suicide may soon be the law in California after all as members of the state Assembly passed a revised version of an assisted suicide bill that failed earlier this year. Ironically, the lawmakers passed the bill right during the middle of Suicide Prevention Week.   Click here to find out more