A more comprehensive recap of Monday’s vote to defund Planned Parenthood. The numbers are actually better than ever . . . they just need to be better still to eliminate filibusters and make it veto-proof. Calling out the one GOP Senator (Mark Kirk – IL) for voting against it Also highlighting how PP is but one area where the feds …
Meet the 26-year-old Who is Fundamentally Transforming America’s View of Planned Parenthood
Exactly who is Dave Daleidon, the man behind the videos from the Center for Medical Progress exposing the savagery of Planned Parenthood? Click here to read more
The Judge Behind the Recent CMP Video Ban has Raised Over $200,000 for the Obama Administration
A profile on the Federal judge from San Francisco who handed down the emergency Temporary Restraining Order further barring the Center for Medical Progress from releasing any more Planned Parenthood videos. The deal was done in around 3 hours thanks to a phone call from the National Abortion Federation to justice William Orrick (a former Democratic National Committee campaign bundler …
Senate to Vote today on Defunding Planned Parenthood
The Senate is scheduled to vote today on a measure (sponsored by Joni Ernst from Iowa) that would defund Planned Parenthood of federal tax dollars and redistribute that money to community health centers There are 53 GOP Senators and not all of them are committed to this bill. It will take a total of 60 votes in favor of the …
UnplannedParenthood is an Inspirational Site
Unplanned Parenthood is a new Twitter page created for parents to tell the stories of how their lives were blessed by unplanned pregnancies (you know – the very kind of pregnancies Planned Parenthood would like to all see end in abortion so these precious babies could be “harvested”) Read more here!