Why Does the State of Oregon Allow for Some of the Most Aggressive Abortion Laws in the Nation while ALSO Punishing Parents who Deny Their Newborn Children Medical Treatment?

Tamara QuimiroArticles

Read the article below: https://www.christianpost.com/voice/oregons-hypocrisy-on-abortion-and-a-pentecostal-faith-healing-sect.html

ROGER GANNAM with LIBERTY COUNSEL: PRO-LIFE VICTORY as New York Attorney General is Denied in Bid to Silence Kindergarten Teacher and 13 Others who were Providing Sidewalk Counseling at an Abortion Clinic

Tamara QuimiroArticles

Read the article below: https://www.christianpost.com/news/pro-life-christians-defeat-charges-ny-abortion-clinic-harassment-lawsuit-schneiderman-226296/https://www.lc.org/newsroom/details/072318-victory-for-life-in-new-york

The United States Officially Opposes a UN Resolution to Encourage Breast Feeding. Why Would they Do That? (Here’s a hint – there are SEVERAL Very Good Reasons)”

Tamara QuimiroArticles

Read the article below: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/08/health/world-health-breastfeeding-ecuador-trump.html You can read about the data concerning the declining worldwide fertility rate below: https://ourworldindata.org/fertility-rate