The city of Seattle repainted 11 crosswalks in rainbow colors to commemorate the Supreme Court decision legalizing gay “marriage.”
Why Did Gordie Howe’s Treatment Include Stem Cells from Aborted Embryos?
Remember the “Christmas Miracle” involving NHL legend Gordie Howe benefiting from a landmark new adult stem cell treatment? Well, the story has taken a turn for the worst.
New Legislation Protects Clergy from being forced to perform same-sex “marriage” ceremonies
In the wake of last Friday’s Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex “marriage” nationwide, 2 governors took bold steps over the weekend to uphold the rights of those opposed to being forced to participate in these ceremonies.
Did Love Really Win?
Getting Jeff Mateer from the Liberty Institute reaction to the US Supreme Court’s…
US Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare Subsidies
The Supreme Court has won 6 to 3 for Obamacare to stay the way it is. What does this mean for us?