Monifa Sterling was a Lance Corporal in the United States Marine Corps but now she is facing a court martial simply for displaying a Bible verse on her desk.
CA Vote on SB 128 is Tomorrow
California’s SB 128 (the assisted suicide bill) is scheduled to come up for a vote on Thursday 4 June – but there is still time to voice your opposition.
NC Senate Overrides Veto on Bill 2
GREAT news out of North Carolina as state legislators voted to override Governor Pat Mccrory’s veto of Bill 2.
New Study Confirms “Plan B” Does NOT Lower Unplanned Pregnancy Rate…
A new study confirms that so-called “emergency contraception” like Plan B does NOT lower the rate of unplanned pregnancies . . . but they DO INCREASE the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases.
Two Religious Liberty Victories (One for Christians and one for Muslims)
The Supreme Court has ruled in 2 interesting religious liberty victories!