Emily Freeman- Simply Tuesday

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

More and more Americans are downsizing their lives . . . and Christians are leading the way! In her new book, “Simply Tuesday,” author Emily P. Freeman offers practical tips for enjoying “small-moment living in a fast-moving world.” Purchase her book here  

Kristopher Polahu and Chris Dowling- “Where Hope Grows”

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

Should parents of Down Syndrome children abort these kids after discovering of their kids have this condition? A powerful new movie (also released today) makes  a strong statement for NOT aborting Down Syndrome children. The movie is called, “Where Hope Grows” and it tells the story of a washed up former MLB player who forms an unlikely friendship with a …

New York Times Op-Ed Slams Ohio for Promoting Bill Banning Abortion for Down Syndrome

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

The New York Times issued a blistering rebuke of Ohio legislators for seeking to ban abortions based on “fetal deformities” like Down Syndrome. I’m going to walk through this Op-Ed line by line to expose the hypocrisy of their line of thinking. This kind of rhetoric is culturally damaging but surprisingly effective in rallying the pro-abortion crowd.