Why Non-Religious Journalist Supports a Christian Coach’s Right to Pray after Football Games

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

A Christian high school football coach has found an unlikely ally in his battle with a public school district seeking to ban the post-game prayers he leads for the players.  Joe Kennedy is an assistant coach at Bremerton (WA) High School who has been asked by district administrators to stop leading a prayer at the 50-yard line after games. The …

Jeremy Jernigan- Redeeming Pleasure

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

It’s perfectly normal for Christians to want to “have some fun” this weekend – but the KIND of pleasurable activities we pursue actually reveals a lot about our spiritual health as well.  In his new book, “Redeeming Pleasure,” pastor and author Jeremy Jernigan offers an insightful look at God’s original purpose for His children to experience pleasure – and how …