A Victory for Religious Liberty with Regard to Naturalization Study Materials for Legal Immigrants

Tamara QuimiroArticles

A victory for Religious Liberty as the Department of Homeland Security amends a document given to immigrants seeking citizenship informing them that all American citizens enjoy “freedom of religion.” The Obama Administration had changed the language to read “freedom of Worship.” The publication in question is called, “Learn About the United States: Quick Civics Lessons for the Naturalization Test.” As …

Penny Young Nance- ‘Feisty and Feminine’

Tamara QuimiroArticles

Why do Leftist feminists get so much attention when there are actually a significantly LARGER number of Conservative women who making a powerful impression for the good in modern society? Penny Young Nance, President of Concerned Women for America, has issued a rallying cry for Conservative women in her new book, “Feisty and Feminine”. Purchase her book here www.cwfa.org