How Do Planned Parenthood’s Own Patients Rank the Leading Provider of Abortions in America?

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

What kind of treatment do patients actually receive at Planned Parenthood? Check out their Yelp! reviews.  A new article in The Federalist includes 39 different Yelp! reviews from women who utilized PP for services (primarily birth control). One of the most common comments was, “If I could give them ZERO stars, I would.” Read the article here

Lee Strobel-“Making the Case for Hope”

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

Lee Strobel has a solution for America’s “hope crisis.” In his new book, “The Case for Hope,” the popular author (and First Amendment scholar) urges Christians to be at the forefront of bringing the Good News that we can face the future with confidence and courage. Purchase his book here

Ben Carson on “The View” Round 2: Ben’s Secret Weapon!

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

Dr. Ben Carson unleashed a new “secret weapon” in his bid to win the White House in 2016: his wife, Candy. During Tuesday’s edition of “The View,” the hosts sought to engage Mrs. Carson into their debate with her husband . . . and her response was awesome. On whether a Muslim should ever be President Read the article here …

Catherine Devries- Let’s Learn about the Lord’s Prayer”

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

Biblical illiteracy is at a record high in America – but a new resource could help reverse that trend simply by teaching children the Lord’s Prayer. Author Catherine Devries’ new storybook called “Let’s Learn about the Lord’s Prayer” helps “children of all ages” learn the importance of the prayer Jesus taught us. Purchase her book here