Possible Plea Deal For the Murder of Gabriel Fernandez

Tamara QuimiroArticles

When Gabriel Fernandez returned to her mother’s custody, he did not find a safe and happy place. His mother, Pearl Fernandez, w along with her boyfriend Isauro Aguirre were held responsible for torturing and murdering Gabriel Fernandez last year. Pearl and Isauro were arrested the day after Gabriel was found beaten and taken to the hospital. Gabriel passed away on May …

Doug Haaland for 8th Assemblyman

Tamara QuimiroGuests

The candidate Doug Haaland who is running for the 8th Assembly talks is on the Bottom Line. A big issue in the 8th Assembly is currently the water issue. One of the other main issues on Haaland’s candidacy is public safety. Haaland also talks to Roger about his interesting relationship with Californians for Life.   Click Here For His Interview …