Tam Hodge is a pastor’s wife and mother who has overcome a childhood filled with abortions and sexual abuse to become an advocate for women who feel they have no choice but to accept their abusive past She’s the author of the book, “And Now I Choose” about her amazing journey – which has lead her to partner with Save …
Sally Lloyd-Jones- The Story of God’s Love for you
Sally Lloyd-Jones compiled “The Jesus Bible Storybook” for children to learn the key stories of the Bible. But so many adults enjoyed reading that children’s book – and so many of them benefited from learning many biblical truths they didn’t know before – she has created a powerful new young adult version of her kid’s classic. The new book is …
Remember When the Media was More Interested in Cecil the Lion than the Planned Parenthood Videos? Well Not Anymore!
Remember the media outcry over the Minnesota dentist who hunted Cecil the lion? And how this was the dominant story in the media even though the Center for Medical Progress videos were first released around the same time? Well yesterday it was announced that Dr. Walter Palmer will NOT face any charges for hunting Cecil. Evidently of of his paperwork for …
University Closes Transgender Bathrooms After Predator Attacks
Why did a leading university abruptly close two of its transgender bathrooms? For the same reasons hundreds of thousands of California parents have been working to undo our state’s “transgender bathroom laws.” Two male students we catch with video equipment recording other students as they used the bathroom. Click here to read more
Congressman Jason Chaffetz Gets Extremely Emotional When CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Attempts to Defend Planned Parenthood
When CNN’s Wolf Blitzer tried to defend Planned Parenthood, Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz unleashing a powerful and passionate rebuttal. Click here to read more