The real reason Jerry Brown signed the assisted suicide bill into law has nothing to do with “death with dignity.” (Here’s a hint: it was more about balancing California’s budget – at least on paper – by lowering cost projections on end-of-life care for the poor and elderly.) I’ll look at this insidious piece of political grandstanding that claimed to …
Ken Ham- Ready to Return
More and more kids who grew up in Christian homes have left the Church – but author Ken Ham believes many of these same kids are “Ready to Return” Ken talks about why these kids are re-embracing their faith and what congregations can do to welcome them back. Purchase his book here
Reaction to the Umpqua Community College Shootings: Christians were Targeted
The Umpqua Community College killer allegedly asked his victims if they were Christians before shooting them. But why did the President fail to mention this vital detail in his call for justice? Here’s the story from OR Here’s the President’s reaction Compare his anger to the relative nonchalance of his reaction to the Fort Hood shootings 5 November 2009
The Big Name Donor who Wants His Contributions to Planned Parenthood to be Anonymous
Why does Planned Parenthood claim they “need” $520 million of federal tax dollars when they have guys like Warren Buffett donating $21 million per year to their “Justice Fund” to help women pay for their abortions? Read more here
The President Reacts to the Umqua College Shootings Much Differently to the Shootings of 3 Muslims at the University of North Carolina
The President made an impassioned plea for stricter gun laws in the aftermath of Thursday’s mass shooting at an Oregon community college. So why didn’t he do the same thing after an even worse gun-related tragedy six years ago? Here’s the story from OR Here’s the President’s reaction And here’s a CBS story about the UNC shootings