Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina made the biggest impressions at last week’s Republican debates. But while their strong showings at the televised event have bolstered their rankings, do their values with regards to Israel and the sanctity of human life really line up with Christian voters? I’ll review some of the sound from the debates and what has followed.
New Hampshire Joins Alabama and Louisian to Defund Planned Parenthood
Now that Alabama, Louisiana and New Hampshire have defunded Planned Parenthood in their states, what kind of impact will it have on this now-vulnerable institution and the patients it serves? Click here to read more
GOP Debate on FOX was the Most-Watched Debate in History
The first debate among Republican Presidential candidates was the most-watched cable news program EVER (and third-highest ranked cable program in history). More than 24 million Americans tuned in to watch the debate which led to a surprising reshuffling of the deck regards to the most popular GOP candidates – ALL of whom are Pro Life (though Mr. Trump has been …
Is there any truth to the “3% rule” at Planned Parenthood?
Many supporters of Planned Parenthood – including people of faith – are quick to cite that that only “3% of the organizations revenue comes from abortion.” But how can we be sure that statistic is true? I’ll crunch the numbers which shatter “The 3% Myth.” Click here to read more
Susan VandePol- Life After Breath
The pain of losing a child to abortion can be devastating – but the death of a spouse creates a different kind of grief. When author Susan VandePol found herself newly widowed and searching for answers, she embarked on a journey that lead to the creation of a new grief recovery program for widows who have lost their spouses in …