Maurice Possely- “Hitler in the Crosshairs”

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

The amazing story of a member of a Christian soldier during World War II who was part of an elite team that almost captured Adolph Hitler. Biographer Maurice Possely teamed with John Woodbridge to tell the story of Ira Palm in the book called, “Hitler in the Crosshairs: A GI’s Story of Courage and Faith.” Purchase his book here!  

Columnist Liz Peek- Multilingual Edication Act

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

Every Presidential hopeful knows the importance of developing meaningful immigration reform. But an initiative scheduled to appear on the 2016 California ballot may alter any of those strategies for the worse. The California Multilingual Education Act (SB 1174) effectively repeals Prop 227 (which required English immersion for all public school students) and would require districts to teach students in their …