The White House is in full “protection mode” trying to defend Planned Parenthood in the wake of the allegations of “selling baby body parts” raised by the 4 videos released by the Center for Medical Progress. Click here to read more Hear more of Josh Ernest Click here to learn more from Josh Earnest
John Bevere- “Can We Be Good without God?”
A growing number of people believe it is possible to “be good without God.” So how can we as Christians convince them of the futility of this sentiment without coming across as hateful and mean-spirited? Pastor and author John Bevere offers several suggestions in his new book called, “Good or God? Why Good without God isn’t Good Enough” Clich here …
Los Angeles Judge Issues Cease and Desist Order to Center for Medical Progress
Every American has 1st Amendment rights . . . unless the Left doesn’t like what you have to say. That explains why they were able to get a temporary restraining order preventing the Center for Medical Progress from releasing any more videos for 3 full weeks. Click here to read more
Boy Scouts of America Drops Ban on Gay Scout Leaders
Will the Mormon Church abandon the Boy Scouts of America now that the BSA has lifted the ban on gay adults serving as scout leaders? The Mormons sponsor half of all Boy Scout troops. Each of their churches has a unit and every Mormon boy is automatically enrolled in Cub Scouts at age 8. So if the LDS crowd bails, …
Dennis Wilson- Wilson Financial
American Christians are standing up for our brothers and sisters in Christ internationally who are being victimized by radical Islam. Dennis Wilson is leading the charge to mobilize Bottom Line listeners to help rebuild the church in Niamey (Niger, Africa) Click here to visit Wilson Financial