Standing Up to Radical Islam without Stigmatizing Muslims

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

Why do Americans have such a difficult time distinguishing between Muslims and Radical Islamists? Muhammad Ali has gone public denouncing radical Islam (helpful) while the mainstream media refuses to acknowledge that Faisal Mohammad, the UC Merced student who went on a stabbing spree, is a radicalized Islamic terrorist? Muhammad Ali speaks out But why the reluctance to call UC stabber …

Former Miss Ohio USA Reprimanded for Telling the TRUTH About Abortion in the Black Community

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

A student at Ohio State University law school is in hot water with administrators over her contention that abortion unfairly targets the African-American community. Madison Gesiotto published an op-ed in the school newspaper making the claim – but administrators censored her after a white (male) student complained that her “opinion” was “racist” (even though the actual STATISTICS support HER claim). …