The “Tolerance Crowd” Hates Former Major Leaguer for His Views on the Transgender Bathroom Issue

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

How will Houston’s vote on Proposition 1 (formerly known as Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance) impact a future vote on California’s transgender bathroom bill? Former Houston Astros’ star Lance Berkman is under fire from gay rights groups for recording a campaign ad against Prop 1, sighting his belief in traditional biblical values. Meanwhile in California, momentum is building to gather signatures …

Which Presidential Candidate Engaged in a Civil Debate with a pro abortion advocate over the weekend?

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

At a campaign stop this past weekend, Planned Parenthood supporters pelted GOP Presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina with condoms. She was also confronted by a Planned Parenthood backer who attempted to debate her on the “realities of all the good” Planned Parenthood does. Carly’s response was spot on, and now it turns out the condom tossers were actually paid to do …

Planned Parenthood Recruits New Customers at . . . Wheaton College?

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

Wheaton College dropped their student health coverage over objections to the Obamacare requirement that they provide free abortions, abortafacients and contraceptives to students. So why did Planned Parenthood in the Wheaton are decide the school would be the perfect place to . . . offer students 50% discounts on Planned Parenthood services? Read more here