Richard E. Simmons

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

      Defunding Planned Parenthood is a good first step – but it’s even more important that we look at the reasons why so many Americans view abortion as “necessary healthcare” in the first place. A new book examines how our sex-driven culture sees “hook ups” as the new relationship norm and abortion as simply “the cost of doing …

Sam Sorbo- “The Healing Power of Forgiveness”

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

The healing power of forgiveness is on display in a powerful new movie called, “Just Let Go.” The film tells the story of Chris Williams, a married father whose pregnant wife is killed along with 2 of their 4 children by a teenage drunk driver in February 2007. When the young man (Curtis White) was brought up in charges, Williams …

Angela Waite- A Journey of Healing, a Story of Hope

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

When 3-year-old Ramsey Waite drowned in his family’s swimming pool, his mother Angelia’s anguish led to a thriving new season of ministry. After receiving what she felt was a lot of “cushy but not helpful counsel” for her grief, she went to seminary to study grief recovery. She eventually founded Ramsey’s Rescue to help other parents who need to grieve …

Maurice Possely- “Hitler in the Crosshairs”

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

The amazing story of a member of a Christian soldier during World War II who was part of an elite team that almost captured Adolph Hitler. Biographer Maurice Possely teamed with John Woodbridge to tell the story of Ira Palm in the book called, “Hitler in the Crosshairs: A GI’s Story of Courage and Faith.” Purchase his book here!