Joe Dallas- “400 Pastors will Resign this Sunday Because of the Ashley Madison Scandal”

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

A new report suggests that as many as 400 pastors and other church leaders will be resigning their positions this Sunday due to allegations that they were active on, the notorious website promoting extra-marital affairs. – Should we be surprised that many of these same leaders openly denounced the move to legalize same-sex “marriage” as an abomination against God …

Michael Haykin- The Baptist Story

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

Recent research suggests that fewer American Christians align themselves with “mainline denominations” but one Baptist scholar is of the opinion that a key reason for this phenomenon is that Baptists simply don’t know enough about their history. Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin is a Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He’s …

Emily Freeman- Simply Tuesday

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

More and more Americans are downsizing their lives . . . and Christians are leading the way! In her new book, “Simply Tuesday,” author Emily P. Freeman offers practical tips for enjoying “small-moment living in a fast-moving world.” Purchase her book here  

Kristopher Polahu and Chris Dowling- “Where Hope Grows”

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

Should parents of Down Syndrome children abort these kids after discovering of their kids have this condition? A powerful new movie (also released today) makes  a strong statement for NOT aborting Down Syndrome children. The movie is called, “Where Hope Grows” and it tells the story of a washed up former MLB player who forms an unlikely friendship with a …

Dr. Jim Leininger- Alone Yet Not Alone

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

 The movie “Alone Yet Not Alone” tells the story of Barbara and Regina Leininger, 2 sisters in Colonial America whose faith in Christ sustained them as they endured the trial of being kidnapped by Indians. Dr. Jim Leininger is the doctor/philanthropist who helped bring the story of his distant cousins’ rescue to the big screen last year. Jim Leininger Bio  Alone …