Dorothy Newton- “Overcoming Domestic Violence”

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured, Guests

The wife of a former NFL star is sharing her painful story of abuse and ultimate redemption during National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Dorothy Newton is the former wife of Dallas Cowboys star lineman Nate Newton. She tells her powerful story of the journey from hurt to healing in a new book called, “Silent Cry: The True Story of Abuse …

Both Parties Claim “Victory” after Hilary Clinton Testimony on Thursday

Tamara QuimiroArticles, Featured

Both parties are claiming “victory” after Hilary Clinton’s testimony in the House Benghazi hearings yesterday but did the 11-hour spectacle really uncover any new evidence of wrong-doing? ALSO . . . while House Democrats complained that the hearings were “a waste of taxpayers’ money,” they seemingly had no trouble spending just about as much on a study to determine why …

Portland School Board May Overturn Ban on Schools Perfoming at the Grotto

Tamara QuimiroArticles

GOOD news from Oregon as the Portland Public School Board is considering a motion to overturn an earlier decision to ban their students from performing at the annual Festival of Lights Christmas Concert because the venue (The Grotto) is owned by the Catholic Church. Click here to read more