Bobby Jindal doing his part by showing the community the grimsly videos of Planned Parenthood harvesting baby parts at the a pro-abort rally. Find out more here!
A New Community Health Clinic is Taking Over a Former Abortion Clinic
Another former abortion clinic is becoming a health center! Click here to read more
Judge Rejects Attempt to Overturn CA Ban on Assisted Suicide
A judge in San Diego has taken a bold step for preserving California’s ban on assisted suicide – and that may be the reason state senators elected to pull their push for a vote for AB 128 last month. LifeNews reports that the action took place 27 July . . . and a second judge in San Francisco also upheld the …
AL Pastor Sets Up Shooting Range Behind Church
A church in Alabama has an unusual use for a previously vacant plot behind their sanctuary; they’ve turned it in to a shooting range! They did so with the full cooperation of local law enforcement (who run classes on shooting and safety). But some local residents feel it is inappropriate for the church to allow firing weapons on site. Read …
Senior Counsel from Liberty Institute- Jeremy Dys
2 historic black churches in Texas which were instrumental in revitalizing one of the most crime-ridden areas of the city are now facing a legal battle for their own survival. The Houston Housing Authority wants to invoke eminent domain over the Latter Day Revival Deliverance Center and the Christian Missionary Fellowship Church. (Both churches are on the same block in …