“Big Brother” in the Department of Health and Human Services scores a “huge victory” – against the Little Sisters of the Poor. The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the Sisters in their challenge to the HHS mandate on abortifacients and contraceptives Click here to read more Stephanie Barclay Bio
Judge in OH Refuses to Perform a Same-Sex “Marriage”
The adage that the fight to legalize same-sex “marriage” is the “new Civil Rights Movement” ran into a roadblock in Ohio last week. Toledo Municipal Judge C. Allen McConnell is an elder at First Church of God in Columbus. He’s also a member of the local chapter of the NAACP. He declined to officiate for two women because of his …
Former Commissioner- Orson Swindle
Americans are less optimistic about the future of our country than ever before. But a former Marine who served under Presidents Reagan, Clinton and Bush (43) is confident that voters can turn things around in 2016! – Lt Col Orson Swindle is the former Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission (under Presidents Clinton and Bush) who also served as the …
Governor of GA Orders Investigation of Planned Parenthood
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal orders an investigation of all of his state’s Planned Parenthood facilities after Tuesday’s revelations about the organizations sale of baby body parts. Click here to read more
4 Marines Killed in Chattanooga
An update on the shooting death of 4 U.S. Marines at a Navy training center in Chattanooga. Click here to read more