A Long Island, high school student petitioned to organize a Christian club named “Dare to Believe”. Liz Loverade, who attends Wantaugh High School, was rejected by the school’s principal. Loverade’s intent was to begin a club which expressed love overcoming the battles of a common teenager. The principal denied the petition to start the club because it was too religious. …
Non-Indictment For New York Cop
The city of Staten Island, New York is in protest for the non-indictment of a police officer who choked Eric Garner in the street. Garner died later in the hospital. The fatal confrontation was captured in video as Garner repeated that he could not breathe. In a grand jury decision the police officer named Daniel Pantaleo, was not indicted.
The Myth of War on Women Debunked
There are three national races to watch that could send a huge message to liberals and progressives in preparation for the 2016 Presidential elections. Mia love is about to become the first black woman to be voted in the House of Utah’s 4th District…
A Chimp May Be a Non-Human Person
A court in New York actually heard an appeal from an animal rights activist and lawyer, Steven Wise, is fighting for “Non-Human Personhood” status for a chimpanzee in a cage. Wise argues that chimps are similar to human beings in the way that they are self-determining and autonomous creatures, thus they should be considered legal persons.
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